Cheetah Monitoring in Kenya

This cheetah project aims to protect and conserve the Tsavo ecosystem cheetah population for the long-term survival of the species. RAW work with stakeholders and communities in addition to governmental bodies to foster the coexistence with local residents and influence wildlife laws and policies. The project works with the Kenya Wildlife Service and Felidae Conservation Fund and is currently supported by Stichting SPOTS-Netherlands and several private donors.

Detailed itinerary

Day 1


Transfer from airport according to flight time, meet with other team members, volunteer coordinator and Principle Investigator of Tsavo Cheetah Project at Tsavo Mashariki Camp.

DINNER around fireplace listening Taita musician group.

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator and Project Biologist
Day 2

Introduction to the project

MORNING: Introduction to the project, research, and Tsavo East National Park; Training on cheetah spoor identification, camera traps, and cheetah Identification work.

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator and Project Biologist

LUNCH: 12 o o’clock

AFTERNOON by 1:30: Guided, ranger- led field walk in the park with volunteer coordinator: Observe the Tsavo environs, record predator spoor sightings, (Voi Gate)

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator, KWS Ranger
Day 3:Fieldwork in the park

MORNING from 6.30am set out to check on camera traps, record spoor sightings, cheetah / prey distribution and abundance, photograph cheetahs for cheetah ID and monitoring (Buchuma Gate) Full day in the field with packed LUNCH; Return to Camp around 6pm.

DINNER from 8pm

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator
Day 4

Fieldwork in the park

MORNING: from 6.30am record spoor sightings, cheetah / prey distribution and abundance, photograph cheetahs for cheetah ID and monitoring (Voi Gate) Full day in the field with packed

LUNCH; return to Camp around 6pm.

DINNER from 8pm

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator
Day 5 Fieldwork in the park:

MORNING from 6.30am set out to check on camera traps, record spoor sightings, cheetah /prey distribution and abundance, photograph cheetahs for cheetah ID and monitoring (Buchuma Gate) Full day in the field with packed LUNCH; return Camp around 6pm.

DINNER from 8pm

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator

Day 6:

Day off

Free time or excursions.

TUTORS: Project Biologist

Day 7:


MORNING Following late breakfast, write up individual reports on research findings in the field.

LUNCH time around 1 pm

AFTERNOON 3:30, discussions on research findings with PI and transfer of data, photographs etc to project, at the KWS education centre or Mashariki Camp.

DINNER around 8pm pizza !

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator and Project Biologist
Block 2 – Community Oriented Activities


Orientation on local communities / cheetah education programs at KWS Education Centre or Tsavo Mashariki Camp.

MORNING After breakfast at 8.30 pick up to go KWS Educational Centre. 9am talk and review practice sessions on education activities to take place in the schools and information on any local tribes in which volunteers will be interacting with / assisting.

LUNCH TIME At around 12 o o’clock: 2 hour break for lunch, / rest.

AFTERNOON 2pm: Orientation resuming through up to 6pm.

TUTORS: Half day with Volunteer coordinator, half with Project Biologist.

DAY 9:

Visit to White House Academy School or similar for education programs, in liaison with class teachers.

MORNING Pick up at 7.30 to be at School 8.20 Educational activities here the field coordinator will explain about the cheetah and its ecosystem to both secondary and primary school students (individual classes). The primary school talks will be played out with puppetry, story books and games, with the assistance of volunteers, along with the curriculum integrated cheetah activities aimed at all grade levels. Volunteers can even initiate additional ideas for approval.

or MORNING 7:00am leave for an excursion to the nearby Rukinga Sanctuary for cheetah scouting, visit the Wildlife Works clothes factory and other eco-product-initiatives. Return
for LUNCH between 1-2pm

LUNCH Together with teachers and students

AFTERNOON School activities continue into late afternoon, following a lunch break with the children at the school. Around 5pm, back to the camp.

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator

DAY 10 -11:

Two day visit Secondary school on Tsavo Park Road for educational program activities, talk on the cheetah and poster designing with students.

MORNING Walk to school up the road, to Arrive by 8: 30. Walk back to Camp for lunch LUNCH 12-1 pm Mashariki Camp

AFTERNOON Walk back to school at 1:00 pm to continue school education activities until around 4pm, walk back to Camp, free time until Dinner.

DAY 11:


Meet and discuss results and achievements of education programs and areas for possible improvement / implementation.

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator/ Project Biologist (pm)

DAY 12 -13:

Weekend Excursion to Lake Jipe, Tsavo West National Park

MORNING AND AFTERNOON: Lake Jipe excursion with a combination of leisure activities, game drives and interpretation on local flora and fauna, while scouting for cheetahs within sighting locations for identification photography and data recording. Set up the tents ( if raining period use of bandas )


EVENING Enjoying the evening self-cooking on the fireplace watching the sunset on he Lake Jipe

TUTORS: Volunteer coordinator and Project Biologist

DAY 14


Transfer to the airport according to flight time.

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  • RAW - Reef and Wildlife Cheetah Monitoring in Kenya
  • The project costs: £1705 for 2 weeks
  • Accommodation: Bushcamp, meals provided.
  • Two Weeks Field Activity and Community Program
  • Visit RAW Website for more information and booking: