If you have the yearning desire to pick up momentum across the water beside our captivating coastlines, then here is the ultimate introduction course for you. Depending on the weather and direction of the wind, Sea Kayak Cornwall’s courses are run across Falmouth and the surrounding coastlines, allowing the beginner to learn in more sheltered conditions.
As ever we would always recommend the 2 day course, if not local to Cornwall, then feel free to use the enquiry form for suggested accommodation or camping. Make a holiday out of your learning curve…… After all your future kayaking expeditions depend on it.
Length: 1 or 2 days
Level required: No experience required
1 Day £95 (prices include VAT)
2 Day £179 (prices include VAT)
Location: Falmouth
Join Sea Kayak Cornwall on their introduction to sea kayaking. If you are interested to discover what sea kayaking is all about then this is the sea kayak course for you. They will teach you firstly how to manoeuvre your kayak before setting off to explore caves, arches and remote beaches. All the time we will keep our eyes open for Dolphins, seals and hundreds of different sea birds.
The one day course and the first day of the 2 day course are essentially the same. You spend the day learning new skills while completing a short journey. Sea Kayak Cornwall also teach you the basic rescues and theory to make you safe out on the water. The 2 day course gives the opportunity to carry out a day trip on the second day exploring the local area while practising all of your new skills from day one.
This is a structured course with a large emphasis on learning as well as enjoyment. Sea Kayak Cornwall use the best equipment to allow you to be comfortable out on the water. Their high instructor to client ratios will enable you to get lots of individual feedback to inspire learning. In the morning of the course the instructors will seek out sheltered waters to learn how to turn, stop, paddle straight (forward and backwards), gain stability, spin on the spot, use rudder strokes and rescue each other.
Please contact us with any questions and/or your preferred dates and we will check availability.
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